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to Enlight Therapy Services

Therapy, Coaching and Hypnosis for Individuals & Couples


There are times we all need help


We’ve reached an unexpected place in our lives or have feelings and thoughts that are overwhelming.

There are things we are struggling to understand or patterns of behaviour we'd like to change.


In these times it can be good to talk with an experienced professional to gain clarity 

over what is going on and help us get back to where we want to be.


About Me

My name is Sameer. I offer brief focused therapy and longer structured counselling, coaching and hypnotherapy in person and over Skype.


I have trained in both individual (CPTA) and couples counselling (RELATE) and hold a Bachelor's degree in Neuroscience and a Masters in Experimental Psychology.


In the last 5 years I have worked in some of the most challenging contexts including grief/bereavement, trauma and abuse alongside my role as a Coordinator at the Maytree Respite Centre.


I have run a private practice for 3 years now, offering transformative counselling, hypnotherapy and coaching in all remits of personal and relational psychology. I help clients find their way out of problems, issues they may have been challenged by for years, focus on goals and thus find the freedom to move towards what they most want. 

Therapy with me can help you

  • Understand the origin of issues

  • Have a safe place to talk about feelings and difficult thoughts without fear of judgement

  • Gain clarity on what is holding you back

  • Unpack unhelpful patterns and behaviours

  • Move from feeling stuck in your life

  • Help find what you want and the best approach to get there

  • Resolve conflicts in your relationship and improve communication

  • Target specific conditions such as anxiety, panic and trauma

  • Bring a sense of freedom from your problems, dissolve limitations and regain a sense of positivity

  • Feel in control again

I work over a number of modalities. With individual counselling, I primarily work humanistically, using careful listening and directed reflection to help clients uncover the hidden cause of issues so they can move towards new resolutions to the problem. I also work integratively with depth psychologies so clients can see the unconscious patterns in play and their original sources. My counselling work is informed both by academic and practical training alongside the direct contact I've had working with clients. I work primarily with brief (8-12 sessions) timeframes as my experience has shown that change can happen quickly  once the issue in play is understood precisely and key reversals made. This is tied to noticing that there are often similar roots to the common health complaints.  However sometimes longer work is needed.

My relationship counselling is based on the RELATE model. Information on hypnosis can be found in the dedicated section of the website.



“Thank you Sam for such a wonderful experience and for really listening and connecting into what I truly needed"

A.N. (Counselling Client)

“I remember the initial chat, even remember thinking "is this working?!".  Next thing I know, it is 45 mins later and I am back in the room. Whatever happened worked a treat,  I'm a little shocked as to just how effective the process has been."

H.P. (Smoking Cessation Hypnotherapy Client)

Contact Me

Primarily I hold sessions via Skype. For more information and to organise a initial session, please initiate contact via email.

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