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Client A 

"I had a wonderful session with Sam. I came for one thing but through the initial discussion, Sam identified that it was actually something else that I needed at that moment. I thought I needed a hypnosis to stop smoking but actually found that I was not ready to do so at that precise moment, and instead had an amazing alignment session, which was more in resonance with what it was I truly needed.  

Another therapist might have made me feel guilty or pressured me into doing this regardless, but instead, with such kindness and respect, Sam told me that I knew how to give up, and that I will know when the time is right. He identified through our conversation that an inner alignment would be something that would most benefit me right now, and I found that this was indeed just what I needed. 

Saying that, this was the first time I had had such an honest, in-depth conversation about smoking, which allowed me to see it in a different light. This was very enlightening and created a space where I truly believe I will be able to become permanently smoke free when the time is right, in the not too distant future. 

From the discussion, we identified that I was using smoking as a "break" away from moments of intensity which can come from being around a lot of people and activity, and that I could in fact allow myself to have those moments of calm without needing to use smoking as an excuse.

Even at the end of the session, I felt I was able to say to Sam that I needed a few minutes in meditation, and thus found myself putting this into practice almost immediately. This is something that I know I can continue to do, and indeed, it was a bit of an "aha" moment to realise that this is what I need, and that it's ok to need that, and that this need can be met in a much healthier way than smoking. 

During the discussion, Sam stressed that he wanted to take away the shame and as a result I didn't feel judged, but instead felt heard, understood, supported and respected. I felt like the choice and power was given back to me and through Sam really listening and feeling into what I needed in that moment in time, I felt very empowered.

He asked the right questions and one which made me stop in my tracks, was when he asked what made me feel unsafe during a particularly tough period in my life. It dawned on me that it just felt "normal" for me to have always felt unsafe as a default, and having that realisation was pretty powerful. 

I felt really relaxed and nourished during and after the session, and the week after, noticed that I was championing myself more. The usual negative self talk was replaced by more of a feeling of power. The next day, I was able to easily and quickly write an application for a job in a way that I was really proud of, rather than procrastinating and putting it off.

As for smoking, I feel confident that, as Sam said, I will know when the right moment is, and that I am able to do it myself. For now, I am no longer feeling such shame around this, but instead am sure that it will happen effortlessly when the time is right. This has led to being able to relax and not feel so constantly guilty about it, as I know that I will be smoke-free imminently. 

Thank you Sam for such a wonderful experience and for really listening and connecting into what I truly needed. You are so gifted in what you do, in the way you tune in to and empower people, and this is something that will make a massive difference to people's lives and the world.



Client C


"I met Sameer during an Enlightenment Intensive retreat. I was working very closely with him during one of my most intense experiences of this retreat. He triggered my process unknowingly, but then, through the way he stood by me through all of it he helped me take huge steps in a way that I could not have imagined before. He has an incredibly calming and supportive energy and without words he was able to see where I was at every moment and what I needed. He had the perfect balance between helping me calm down and pushing me a little more forward, even though it was hard, so I could really finish the process and get the most out of it. And because I knew he was there and I was not alone, I was able to do it. I will forever be grateful for that."



Client H


"I went to Sameer to stop craving cigarettes when I have had a drink.  I had cut out the tabs at all other times but after a beer, all that good work went out the window.  In spite of actually quite enjoying a cigarette with a drink, I knew it was time to stop about 4 years ago.  Will power alone was not really doing it for me so I decided to give Hypnosis a go.  


Apprehensive at best, sceptical at worst.  Words that best describe my initial thoughts and feelings about Hypnosis.  Up until my session with Sameer, my dealings with hypnosis were strictly through the television. McKenna, Brown, Little Britain.  I am happy to report that it was nothing like any of those things.  Sameer was really good at putting my mind at ease about the whole process.  He explained things really well and initially helped me to  relax a bit before putting me ‘’under’’ as it were.   I was still a little sceptical at this point, I think everyone probably is.  I remember the initial chat he was giving me, even remember thinking ‘’is this working, should I be shutting my eyes’.  Next thing I know, it is 45mins later and I am back in the room.


I don’t really know what happened in those 50mins.  I can remember a couple of thoughts I had during it but in reality, it is very difficult to piece together.  I was assured this was a good thing!   It is a weird feeling… I don’t think anything I can write here would fully prepare you for the way you feel after coming out of that trance (best word for it possibly)


We said our goodbyes and I went on my merry way.  To say it has worked would be an understatement.   It has not only helped me to cut out smoking with drinking, it has actually helped me to analyse the reasons I was smoking in the first place.  That combination has had powerful effect, not just on giving up but on my ability to really look at the reasons behind it.


I can’t claim to completely understand what happened, what I do know is that whatever happened worked a treat.  I am still a little shocked as to just how well, and practically instant, the process has been. Amazing"



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Primarily I hold sessions via Skype. For more information and to organise a initial session, please initiate contact via email.

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